Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tucker's First Bath

These pictures are too cute not to post (=

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Halibut Fishing

During our long fourth of July weekend our nephew Caleb took us halibut fishing. He launches right out in front of his house. It was a gorgeous evening and the water was flat. We went about a mile off the beach.
Jud got the first fish... a nice 30ish pound halibut. Caleb mocked a groan and said " Oh no, this means Maria is going to catch something bigger!!!" Not ten minutes after he said that I caught a 60 pounder (= It was precariously hooked and I fought with it for a good while. We would get it to the surface and it would dive down again, and again, and again. Finally with the combined efforts of Jud and Caleb it was secured to the side of the boat.
Only an hour after we launched we had caught our limit and headed back in. I'm so thankful to Caleb for taking us and to God for providing a good amount of meat for the freezer(=

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weekly Photo of Tucker (1-12 weeks)

4 days before delivery

Maria with her birthday flowers

April 22, 2007

Tucker Owen Blough
2:04 pm
8 pounds, 8 Ounces
20.5 inches

One Week

Tucker trying to figure out who Grandpa Knox is.

Two Weeks

Tucker playing with Momma

Three Weeks

Burp time for Tucker

Five Weeks

We're starting to get smiles and coos (=

Six Weeks

All Tuckered out. Life is so rough for this little guy.

Seven Weeks

Disc Golfing for Father's Day

Eight Weeks

Look at me all strapped in my car seat and ready to go.

Nine Weeks

Close up of Tucker. His mouth is closed for a change.

Ten Weeks

Tucker smiling at his play mirror and thinking "that dude is pretty funny looking."

Eleven Weeks

Lots of smiles (=

My Garden

Here is the raised garden bed my Dad, Kody, Esther, and Misty put in my backyard while they were up in April helping me recover after Tucker's birth. We have been enjoying healthy leaf lettuce and radishes for a couple weeks now. Yum. Today I spotted a few baby heads of cauliflower. I appreciate all the hard work and advice my family put into this garden.
Tucker enjoys playing in the sunshine while I weed and water.